Can be learned!

Effective and robust Exam SKILLS are critically important to exam takers, allowing them to respond to their best to all the challenges presented by any exam.

Students taking exams commonly report difficulties doing as well as they know they can, whether as a result of anxiety and stress, various mishaps or mistakes during an exam, poor decisions during an exam, or the effects of poor preparation and / or overconfidence leading up to an exam.

Exam SKILLS take many forms and every exam taker needs to ensure that their own Exam SKILL set is as effective and robust as possible.

The good news – Exam SKILLS can be learned . . .

Exam SKILLS need to appreciated as real and practical SKILLS.  Exam SKILLS respond to learning and practice.  Exam SKILLS can be improved over time.  With the right focus via coaching, and SKILLS development workshops, Exam SKILLS can be improved significantly.

Exam results

r u exam ready

Knowing Your Exam SKILLS

Every exam taker has strengths and weaknesses across the Exam Skill Set and it is critical that each exam taker both understands his / her strengths and weaknesses and takes appropriate steps to strengthen their skill profile as much as possible.

I can do this

Assessing Your Learning

Assessment is one of the most powerful and under-used tools in education and anyone preparing for and taking exams needs to be able to rely on their own ability to assess their learning and use that assessment in managing their study, their learning, and their exam strategy.

Time Managment

Time management in the exam room is a very common problem and arises for a variety of reasons, some predictable and some down to events and decisions on the day.  But time management can be improved and is critical to exam success.

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Anxiety Management

There are very few exceptions to there being anxiety and stress in and around important exams and, while a little anxiety is helpful, too much stress can only disrupt attention and focus and the ability to perform in an exam as well as would be expected.  Managing anxiety and stress and overcoming their disruptive influences on performance is a key survival and performance skill for exam success.

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Exam Preparation

Preparing for exams properly goes beyond study skills and the skills involved in being EXAM READY are both practical and learnable, with focus and practice.

Thinking Positively

It can be very difficult to maintain positive thinking about your exam preparation and management over many long months of preparation and anxiety.  Yet being able to maintain a positive perspective and, if unsettled, to regain positivity is key to succeeding in exams.


Action Learning

The Exam FIT philosophy is to improve each student’s Exam SKILL SET within the context of action learning and with the help and support of small groups.  Numbers in each course are limited strictly.

Exam Room Problem Solving

Being prepared for anything that can happen in an exam room is critical for getting through exams successfully and with the minimum of anxiety, stress, and disruption to performing in the exam.


Workshop Modules

Each Exam FIT  Workshop Series runs over 5 modules, each workshop lasting 2 hours.  Each Exam Fit Workshop Series is skills focused.  Learning is achieved with drills and practice in a small-group workshop environment.