Exam FIT Mission

Performing well in exams is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved.  Exam FIT develops practical exam skills that allow students to perform better and more consistently well in exams.

The key to performing well in exams is to identify, know, and address your strengths and weaknesses in approaching and managing yourself in exams.  Knowing your specific strengths and weaknesses – as evidenced by your own experience with past exams – is the first step and the best way to improve your exam management skills and achieve better and more consistent exam performance.

Under-performance in exams is very common and happens for a variety of reasons, even with the best students and with diligent study.  Yet everyone can improve the skills that matter with exams and use them when it comes to consistently delivering and performing in an exam room.

Exam FIT builds on 35 years of research and experience with exam systems in Ireland and internationally and with students preparing for exams at second-level education and for exams in Colleges and in the professions (e.g., accountancy, law).