- Since 1983 -
My Inner Caddy
Pro golfers use specialised caddys to guide them around the course. A good caddy has studied the course and knows where all the obstacles and opportunities lie. The caddy’s job is to keep things simple for his Pro, removing the guesswork from getting around the golf course.
How Can We Help ?
PERFORM’s Exam Fit courses and Exam COACH sessions are proven to build effective and reliable Exam SKILLS and the resilience to succeed with all exam demands.
Our Passion
With 35+ years experience of helping students through exams, our passion is all about you and your success in preparing for and performing as well as possible in your exams.
Your Exam Success
Exam SKILLS can be learned, practiced, and improved to make them more effective and robust when the exams challenge you to do your best and to get the exam results you are hoping for.
Exam Skills - Quick Self-Assessment Test
Managing Time
Do you sometimes run out of time and not complete all the questions on an exam paper?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Reading Questions
Do you sometimes misread questions on an exam paper and present and incomplete or wrong answer?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Experiencing Exam Blocks
Do you sometimes experience ‘Exam Blocks’ and struggle to settle and continue your exam?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Answering All Questions
Do you sometimes choose to answer some questions well rather than attempt all questions required?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Picking Up Marks
Do you sometimes feel uncertain about what marks are on offer or how to pick up marks for your answers?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Having Panic Attacks
Do you sometimes have ‘panic attacks’ in the run up to an exam or during an exam?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Leaving Exam Early
Do you sometimes leave the exam room early owing to exam anxiety or difficulties with the exam?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Performing as Expected
Do you sometimes leave the exam thinking that you did not perform as you were expecting?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Achieving Results
Do you sometimes get poorer results than your study preparation and school and mock exams indicate?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Preparing Properly
Do you sometimes fail to prepare properly for exams, only to appreciate that when the exam starts?
YES ? . . . NO ?
Thinking Positively
Do you sometimes struggle to think positively about your exam ability and your exam performance?
YES ? . . . NO ?

Answer YES to Any Questions ?
If YES, then you can improve your exam management skills and your exam performance!
If you answered YES to more than one or several, there is definite room for improvement and you can improve the way you approach and engage with exams, leading to better and more consistent exam performance!
Exam SKILLS can be learned and improved!